• Forescout eyeExtend

Forescout eyeExtend helps you improve your security posture, enforce compliance and increase Security Operations efficiency by automating security processes and response across products. eyeExtend takes information from other knowledge platforms and tools in your environment and then takes immediate automated action, whether that is creating a ticket in your ticketing system or directly mitigating the circumstances around the situation. So rather than a security issue being on a report, the issue is immediately responded to and handled 24/7/365. This decreases time to respond and time to resolution, minimize cost of response and focuses the company resources on the most important or complex issues.


  • Share contextual insights
  • Share in-depth device, user and network context for all EoT assets – managed and unmanaged
  • Automate workflows
  • Automate cross-product processes and bridge gaps between tools with pre-built integrations and crowdsourced apps.
  • Accelerate response

Automate policy enforcement and system-wide response actions to contain threats and mitigate risks.

How It Works

eyeExtend provides a wide range of integration options to extend the value of the Forescout platform:

  • Forescout-built and supported eyeExtend modules covering advanced use cases updated and refined on a regular basis
  • Community-built and shared eyeExtend Connect apps that are fully customizable and portable across environments
  • Standards-based open APIs to enable customers, system integrators and technology vendors to easily integrate with custom applications and tools
  • Partner-built and supported integrations cover additional use cases that leverage Forescout’s enterprise-wide device intelligence and control

Want to learn more about our Forescout professional services?